(Mawlānā) Mohammed

(Mawlānā) Mohammed


    Mawlānā Mohammed (ḥafīzahullāh)

    Born and raised in the North of England. He was fortunate enough to pursue the study of classic Islāmic sciences having formally enrolled at one of England’s prestigious Muslim seminaries in 1999. Here he underwent a rigorous program of study for six years’ graduating in 2006, having gained ijāzah (license & authorization) to teach. His intensive study of religious Islāmic sciences, under classically trained and qualified scholars, included Arabic language and literature, Qurʾānic tafsīr (exegesis), ḥadīth, aqīdah (Islāmic belief) and fiqh (jurisprudence). 

    Since graduation, Mawlānā has taught a number of Islāmic subjects, whilst continuing his own studies. 

    He has a passion to help those most in need and is ever engaged in philanthropic projects and endeavors. 

    He serves as a trustee to Masjid Al-Ihsān and the wider charity.

    Masjid al-Ihsān 2024 - A project of Rahamkar Foundation (Registered Charity No: 1188819)